Writing Your Testimony

As you write your testimony, focus on the elements of your story that illustrate God’s work in your life, how He drew you to Himself, how your heart turned to Him in repentance, and the trust you have in Christ as your Lord and Savior. It should also include what a new life in Christ is like. It is important that it is God-honoring (vs. sin-honoring) and that God’s work of redemption is shown throughout the story. It is important that all the glory goes to Him and not ourselves.

  1. Write your testimony to approximately 2,500 characters or less.
  2. Have an attention-grabbing opener.
  3. Include the major turning point in your spiritual journey. Your story should have three parts: 
    a. Before the turning point: What was my life like before I was a believer.
    b. How the turning point took place: How I became a believer. 
    c. After the turning point: How Jesus has changed my life.
  4. Be realistic. Do not imply that Christ removes all of life’s problems.
  5. Speak clearly about Jesus. He is the main focus.
  • Do not make statements that reflect negatively on churches, organizations, or people.
  • Avoid mentioning denominations or churches by name.
  • Avoid sounding like a preacher.
  • Do not use vague terms as “joyful,” “peaceful,” ”happy,” or ”changed,” without explaining them.
  • Avoid using biblical or religious words such as “saved,” ”converted,” ”convicted,” ”or “sin” without clarifying what you mean.
  • Write as though you were speaking to a friend rather than giving a formal speech.
  • Be positive from start to finish.
  • Be specific. Give enough details to arouse interest.
  • Be accurate.
  • Include interesting, but compelling experiences.
  • Use one or two Bible verses, but only where they relate directly to your experience.
  • Include an attention-grabbing first sentence.
  • Write a closing that provides a finished and logical conclusion.

See these samples of personal testimonies:


  • Ask a pastor or trusted Christian mentor to review your testimony to ensure the Gospel is communicated through your story and that it speaks to a wide audience. 
  • Ask someone who's qualified to proofread your writing for grammatical errors, typos, punctuation, etc.