MyStory Gospel Tract

MyStory Gospel Tracts are an effective tool for sharing your Christian faith with others. It's different from all other tracts because it combines your own personal testimony with an illustrated explanation of the Gospel.

The links on this page will guide you in creating a personalized MyStory tract on your own home computer and printer.

We pray that God will guide you in writing and creating your MyStory tract, and then open doors of opportunity for you to share them with others.

Philemon 6 "That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus."

Click here for tips on how to write your story through a written testimony.

General Purpose Tract
This tract can be used by anyone in all witnessing opportunities.

Start with the Gospel presentation facing up:

Make your first fold as illustrated below. Your testimony should now appear face-side up.

Now fold your testimony top to bottom so your tract looks like the illustration below.

Fold your tract one last time top to bottom so it looks like the illustration below.

This is the most important step! Your tracts serve no purpose if they are not used. Ask God to open doors of opportunity for you to be bold and deliberate in sharing your tract with others. He will do the rest!

The SHARE Life process is:
S - Ask about their SECULAR life
H - Ask about their HOME life
A - Ask about their ATTITUDE or how they feel about a topic you are discussing
R - Ask about their RELIGION, i.e. their religious or spiritual background/journey
E - ETERNAL Life - Ask for permission to tell your story or give them your My Story tract which contains the story that changed your life, i.e. when someone told you what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Simply share the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results up to God!

We want to hear how MyStory Tracts have helped you in sharing the Gospel of Christ with others!You'll not only be an encouragement to us but perhaps many others who are considering whether to create their own personalized MyStory Tract. Thank you!